…shortly after the video of Ahmaud Arbery began flooding my social media timelines, I knew that I was going to end up doing a tribute, eventually. Since I began working on my series titled “We The People” I’ve done far too many tribute pieces to both honor the memories of those killed and to shed some light on their individual stories, but truth be told there are moments where it is overwhelming and depressing. That’s where I was emotionally when I heard of Ahmaud (and several other deaths that happened around the same time). I knew I was going to create something, I just wasn’t ready yet…or so I thought. I went on Instagram in an attempt to distract myself and one of the first posts I saw was a post by Cree Summer. The post was a video of her youngest daughter, the savage princess Hero Peregrine Stormborn. Young Hero was expressing her outrage…a tribal yell that I felt in my soul! I was instantly convicted and got of social media and commenced to creating a tribute piece for Ahmaud using young Hero as my inspiration.
“For Ahmaud” alternate title “Enough” by artist Howard Barry from the Series “We The People”